Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd, P.A.
Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd, P.A. has established a reputation for providing sound legal counsel to business leaders, as well as to state and local leaders. With offices in each of the state’s major metropolitan areas, the firm has played an integral role in shaping the character and quality of business in South Carolina.
Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd has been instrumental in authoring landmark legislation as well as undertaking initiatives that helped create South Carolina’s highly regarded business climate. The firm’s attorneys are recognized for innovative structured public finance instruments that have benefited both communities and private business. Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd maintains the oldest and largest bond and public finance practice in the Carolinas. The firm’s attorneys are acknowledged leaders in structuring fee-in-lieu agreements, issuing special source revenue and industrial development bonds and creating multi-county industrial parks.
Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd is also well-known for its participation in industrial recruitment of domestic and international investment. The firm has helped secure some of South Carolina’s largest economic development projects.
Excellent, efficient legal service requires an in-depth knowledge of the clients’ businesses and challenges they face in today’s increasingly competitive marketplace. Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd works as a member of each client’s team, providing advice and counsel in nearly every aspect of the clients’ legal needs, from economic development, real estate, utilities regulation, governmental relations, corporate securities, taxation, mergers and acquisitions, banking, transactional finance, estate and succession planning, health care law, government finance, and employment to products liability litigation, commercial litigation, medical malpractice defense and bankruptcy law.
For more information, please visit www.hsblawfirm.com.
Frank T. Davis III
ONE North Main, Street, 2nd Floor
Greenville, SC 29601
Phone: (864) 240-3294
Fax: (864) 240-3300
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.hsblawfirm.com