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Upstate SC Alliance Blog

CNC Operator Takes Control of Her Career

October 4, 2022

Upstate mom Lynn Rogers has launched a career with automotive manufacturer ZF following a 4-month training program. It’s an example of how individuals can Skill Up and Move Up with short-term training for in-demand technical occupations.

TOPICS: Talent, Workforce Development, Skilled Workforce

The Upstate Company Keeping us Connected

February 4, 2022

There’s an Upstate-headquartered company keeping the world connected: AFL, a patent-generating powerhouse whose products span the telecommunications industry and enable next-generation technology.

TOPICS: Technology, Existing Industry

Taking South Carolina’s Innovation to CES

December 16, 2021

South Carolina is an international powerhouse destination where manufacturing and technology intersect, and our innovation was on display at 2022 CES thanks to Upstate SC Alliance, CRDA, CU-ICAR and several businesses.

TOPICS: Innovation, Business Recruitment

A History of Innovation, Today’s Opportunities

August 10, 2021

From disruptive, start-up based technologies to corporate intrapreneurship, opportunity abounds in Upstate South Carolina, where manufacturing, technology and talent intersect.

TOPICS: Business Recruitment, Innovation, Life Science, Manufacturing, Global Competitiveness, International

Site Selection Magazine Profiles Upstate SC

July 19, 2021

Site Selection Magazine profiles Upstate South Carolina’s business environment and lifestyle – a community consistently growing at a rate more than double U.S. population growth, which ended 2020 with 1.5% increase in manufacturing activity and construction up 5%.

TOPICS: Existing Industry, Manufacturing, Business Recruitment, Innovation

Food Manufacturing on the Rise in the Upstate

January 25, 2021

With big opportunity ahead in agriculture and food processing, Upstate South Carolina offers a recipe for success.

TOPICS: Food Manufacturing, Colleges & Universities, Business Recruitment, Manufacturing