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Upstate SC Alliance Blog

CNC Operator Takes Control of Her Career

October 4, 2022

Upstate mom Lynn Rogers has launched a career with automotive manufacturer ZF following a 4-month training program. It’s an example of how individuals can Skill Up and Move Up with short-term training for in-demand technical occupations.

TOPICS: Talent, Workforce Development, Skilled Workforce
Who is moving to the Upstate?

Who’s Moving to the Upstate?

January 2, 2020

An average of 30 people move to Upstate South Carolina daily. We may be biased, but we think it’s because the Upstate is one of the best places to live in South Carolina. Where are they coming from, and what does it mean for our economy?

TOPICS: Talent, Recruitment, Workforce Attraction, Rankings & Recognitions
Visit MoveUpstateSC.com

Move Up Talent Initiative a Tool for Employers

April 25, 2019

Move Up, a regional talent initiative spearheaded by the Upstate SC Alliance, includes a website, brand and digital marketing campaign that sell job opportunities and quality of life across the region.

TOPICS: Talent, Workforce Attraction, Existing Industry, Business